What is Workplace Hearing Loss?

Learn about causes of workplace hearing loss, common symptoms, occupations at high risk, and what we can do next.

carpenter craftsman in carpentry shop use circular saws to cut wood board to make furniture

Hearing Loss in the Workplace

Workplace hearing loss, otherwise known as industrial deafness or noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), is a type of hearing loss that occurs from prolonged exposure to noise levels above 85 dB at work.

Workplace hearing loss is gradual; symptoms can begin years after finishing work. Causes of workplace hearing loss include constant exposure to noise that did not feel loud at the time, however could have caused progressive damage. 

Occupations at a
High Risk

measuring industrial noise, or sound levels that are safe for humans,
a man with headphones and holding a remote control while watching T.V.

Common Symptoms

Sometimes we do not notice that we are struggling to hear until it is pointed out. Common signs of hearing loss include:

  • Missing parts of conversation
  • Turning the TV up louder
  • Struggling to hear over the phone
  • Struggling to understand voices in crowded locations like restaurants
  • Tinnitus, which is a ringing or buzzing in the ears, can also be a sign of industrial deafness

Even if you wore hearing protection, you can still experience workplace hearing loss and industrial deafness.

It is never too late to take care of your hearing

Workplace hearing loss can be progressive, with damage building up over time. Unfortunately once certain levels of hearing are lost, it is usually permanent. It is never too late to take care of your hearing and take steps to hear better now.

Complete the Form

Complete our Eligibility Form with your information.

Schedule a Free Hearing Test

A team member will reach out to schedule a complimentary hearing test.

Expert Claim Assessment

Following your evaluation, one of our Industrial Deafness Experts will review and assess your claim.

man with a hearing aid

Benefits of Hearing Aids

Hearing aids have come a long way from the bulky devices we saw back in the day. Now they are smaller than a finger, either hidden inside or behind your ear. Not only do they help you hear better, but hearing aids also help prevent further hearing loss. Hearing aids worth thousands of dollars can be funded by an industrial deafness claim, making them accessible to more people who suffer from workplace hearing loss.

Explore the options available for hearing aids and see if you qualify for funding through an industrial deafness claim.

Treatments and Preventions

Consistent exposure to noisy environments causes hearing damage. While the best prevention is to work in a quieter environment or with quieter tools, this isn’t always possible.

Hearing protection such as ear defenders, electronic earmuffs and custom-moulded earplugs can go a long way in protecting your remaining hearing. Regular check-ups including biannual hearing tests are also strongly recommended to maintain optimal hearing health.

senior man trying on hearing aid in front of a mirror

Get in Touch

Getting in touch to see if you are eligible to claim free hearing healthcare can be the first step in
putting a pause on workplace hearing loss.

Check Eligibility

Are you experiencing symptoms of hearing loss due to your work environment? Find out now by filling out our quick eligibility check.

Check Eligibility

If you know someone who has difficulty hearing, possibly due to working in a noisy environment, they may be eligible for lump sum compensation or free hearing care. Please fill in their details below, and one of our team members will reach out to discuss their eligibility.